2021-03-18 17:24:16 人气:256
§ 空内答案预测
§ 空前(后)信号词定位
§ 原则:
ú 特殊词:数字/地名/人名/产品名
ú 黑体或斜体字
ú 上下文中同类词
ú 空内词性判断
ú 左侧优先
§ 请对照文本跟读听力原文3遍,注意讲话者的语速变化、音调变化和停顿。并且领会这些特殊语音现象对于做题的信号词定位和空内答案的指示作用。
Well, obviously it varies, but always places of historical interest and also which offer a variety of shopping(重读), because our students always ask about that... and(长音) then we go for ones where we know there are guided tours(重读), because this gives a good focus for the visit.
Oh, and we do offer to arrange special trips if, you know(语义停顿), there are more than twelve people.
§ 请对照文本模仿,注意语速变化、音调变化和停顿。并且将这种语音现象使用在日常沟通和雅思口语备考中。
Well, obviously it varies, but always places of historical interest and also which offer a variety of shopping(重读), because our students always ask about that... and(长音) then we go for ones where we know there are guided tours(重读), because this gives a good focus for the visit.
Oh, and we do offer to arrange special trips if, you know(语义停顿), there are more than twelve people
Obviously: 可以用作发语词,从语义的角度可以体现说话者对于某一个话题的胸有成竹,是雅思口语中对于考官why类型的提问很好的回应。
§ Five and fifteen pounds a head: a head在这里等于per person
§ Keep that in mind: remember
§ Normally: usually
§ Pretty/fairly:very
§ Reserve a seat: book a seat/ make a reservation
§ Refund
§ 图表题:
ú 图形形状表述:
bar chart: high, low, up to, axis, horizontal, vertical, item, bottom
pie chart: percentage, ratio, portion, large, small, fraction
linear chart: increase, decrease, climb up, plunge, soar, skyrocket, peak, turning point, maximum, minimum
ú 按照题号厘清听力文章顺序
ú 根据文章内容提示找到信号词定位
Label the chart below.
Choose your answers from the box below and write the letters A-H next to questions 28-30.
Population studies
Reasons for changing accommodation
Possible reasons
A uncooperative landlord
B environment
C space
D noisy neighbours
E near city
F work location
G transport
H rent
§ 题号顺序: 从左到右
§ 定位:second bar
A uncooperative landlord
B environment
C space
D noisy neighbours
E near city
F work location
G transport
H rent
Label the chart below.
Choose your answers from the box below and write the letters A-H next to questions 28-30.
§ 听前预测:
ú 题干和题支中的信号词
ú 假设某选项为正确选项,用验证法去做题
§ 正确选项:
ú 绝大多数含有替换
ú 注意根据题目要求排除干扰项
Questions 1-5, choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
1、What does Peter want to drink?
A: tea ; B: coffee ; C: a cold drink
§ 定位:Peter, drink, tea, coffee, cold drink
§ 答案选择:a cold drink, 文中a chilled mineral water. 当中chilled=cold. 语速变慢用以强调
§ 干扰项:
ú Coffee, 是疑问词,对象是女生,而不是peter
ú Tea没有被提及
§ 预设选项原则一:若选项由一个单独的名词出现,一般不优先预设
2、What caused Peter problems at the bank?
A:The exchange rate was down; B:He was late; C:The computers weren’t working.
§ 定位:Peter, bank, exchange rate, late, computers
§ 答案选择:computer was temporarily down=weren’t working
§ 干扰项:
ú Exchange rate is healthy 而不是down
ú Late是女生提出
§ 预设原则二:否定选项优先预设
3、Who did Peter talk to at the bank?
A: an old friend; B: an American man; C: a German man.
§ 定位:who, bank, old friend, American, German
§ 答案选择:he lives in New York=American产生替换
§ 干扰项:
ú 该人Peter并不认识,排除A
ú Moves to Germany和German不是替换
§ 预设原则二:型近优先预设
4、Henry gave Peter a map of ?
A: the city; B: the bus routes; C: the train system.
§ 定位:Peter, map, city, bus, train
§ 答案选择:bus routes=bus system
§ 干扰项:
ú C为混搭干扰项,train没有提及,system没有被替换
§ 预设原则一:单一名词选项不优先考虑
5、What do Peter and Sally decide to order ?